Right, this time I think I've done it. Quaife's last Theorem has been e-published. For free. I've put it on a site called Smashwords - which seems to be the one that gives an author the most independence. The cover is by Donna:
and involved a lot of painful, pixel-by-pixel work. I think it's genius.
So download the book now - Quaife's last Theorem - and have a read. It's only in ePub format at that link, which is OK for most e-readers, but doesn't work on Kindles. I do have a Kindle copy available, but I can't put it on to Smashwords (it's complicated). If you want to read it on Kindle, see the post below or contact me on Twitter.
If you know anyone with an e-reader who likes murder, mystery or mathematics, get them the book for Christmas. They don't need to know it didn't cost you any money.
and involved a lot of painful, pixel-by-pixel work. I think it's genius.
So download the book now - Quaife's last Theorem - and have a read. It's only in ePub format at that link, which is OK for most e-readers, but doesn't work on Kindles. I do have a Kindle copy available, but I can't put it on to Smashwords (it's complicated). If you want to read it on Kindle, see the post below or contact me on Twitter.
If you know anyone with an e-reader who likes murder, mystery or mathematics, get them the book for Christmas. They don't need to know it didn't cost you any money.
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